list of 50+ wonderfull run commands

hello there today i will show you list of 50+ amazing run commands that will make ur life easy

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here is the list

1)regedit :->open registry of ur pc

2)msconfig :->open system configuration

3)%temp% :->opens temporary files

4)%appdata% :->see secret hidden folder in ur user folder

5)%programfiles% :->gain access to program file directly 

6)%userprofile% :-> see user profiles directly

7)chkdsk :-> check ur disk

8)control :-> opens control pannel

9)cleanmgr :-> very powerfull command to delect entire drive directly

10)diskpart:-> on diskpart mode directly on cmd 

11)perfmon :-> check perfomance of ur pc

12)azman.msc :-> authorization management

13)compmgmt.msc :-> computer management

14)diskmgmt.msc :->open disk management directly

15)firewall.cpl :->unable or disable ur firewall quickly

16)fsmgmt.msc :->gain access to shared folder

17)devmgmt.msc :-> device management

18)dxdiag:-> direct x diagnostic tool

19)dfrgui :-> optimise drives

20)Netplwiz :-> manage user accounts change passwords 

21)msinfo32 :->get whole system information

22)shell:startup :->open startup folder add or remove item u want on startup of ur pc

23)osk :->on screen keybord

24)Logoff/shutdown :-> shutdown directly with run

25)utilman :-> on the narrator mode listen every thing u hear

26)calc :->opens calculator

27)write:-> opens wordpad directly

28)windows button + r :-> shortcut for run button

29)services.msc:-> see running services

30)cmd :->open cmd directly with run

31)sdclt :-> opens backup and restore

32)fsquirt:-> blue tooth file transfer

33)certmgr.msc:-> see certifacates

34)timedate.cpl:-> opens date and time

35)verifier :-> device verifier

36)main.cpl :-> mouse property

37)psr :-> unbeliviable it records ur steps the movent u do

38)appwiz.cpl :-> uninstall or change program

40)regedt32:-> registry 32

41)mstsc :-> remote desktop connection

42)credwiz :-> stored user name and password

43)taskmgr:-> task manager

46)powershell :->opens power shell

47)powershell_ise :->power shell ise

48)sysdm.cpl :-> system properties

49)rstrui :-> system restore

50)taskschd.msc :-> task scheduler

51)telnet :-> open microsoft telnet

52)system32 :->opens system 32

53)c: :->opens c drive


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